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Monday, November 12, 2012

Superstorm sandy upshots voting polls

Micron Associates captured the upshot after the Superstorm Sandy walloped the Northeastern U.S. The Superstorm sandy created chaos and long lines at voting stations in the U.S Northeast on Tuesday while official braced for a new storm due to batter the region on Wednesday. Voters casting ballots for the U.S. president endured confusion at makeshift polling stations. [...] Read More

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Spain pledges crossing out of Gibraltar’s Uefa membership

Micron Associates- Spain is willing to take all the legal means just to cross out the tiny British territory of Gibraltar gaining full membership of Uefa. Gibraltar was admitted as a provisional member of European football’s governing body on Monday and a decision on whether to grant full membership will be taken at a Uefa Congress in London next May. The country’s sports minister named Jose Ignacio Wert, whose portfolio also includes education and culture, said Gibraltar’s provisional membership meant it could not yet take part in Uefa competition and said his ministry and the foreign ministry would work to cross out the full membership. Spain claims sovereignty over Gibraltar, which sits at the southern end of the Iberian Peninsula at the entrance to the Mediterranean. The territory – which has [...] READ THE FULL ARTICLE

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Famous 125 meteorites in the world fall for sale

A New York City auction will offer 125 meteorites for sale, including a large chunk of the moon and a 179-pound iron cosmic rock that evokes Edvard Munch’s iconic painting “The Scream.” The sale, one of the largest of its kind reported by Micron Associates, is being held by the Dallas-based [...] CONTINUED

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hong Kong’s service industry business receipts rise in Q-2

Hong Kong’s business receipts in value terms of most major service industries showed increases in Q-2 of Y 2012 when compared with Q-2 of Y 2011, the city’s Census & Statistics Department said Monday.
According to the figure released, business receipts of the tourism, convention and exhibition services domain maintained double-digit year-on-year growth, or 13.9%, alongside the continued growth in inbound tourism. [...]


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to be patriotic can cut both ways, Micron explains.

HOW Chinese is Hong Kong? Two recent issues have highlighted the territory’s contradictory attitudes toward the mainland. On August 22nd seven Hong Kongers belonging to the Action Committee for Defending the Diaoyu Islands returned to a heroes’ welcome. They had sailed their fishing boat to those barren rocks (known as the Senkakus by the Japanese, who administer them), and were detained briefly after landing there. The group’s supporters range from pro-Beijing front groups to radical democrats who abhor the Communist Party. Hong Kong’s new chief executive, Leung Chun-ying, applauded the seamen from a distance, as did some of his sharpest detractors. Defending hallowed soil from Japan is something [...]


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Australians Drop Their Pants to Protest Lack of Toilets

Australian beachgoers fed up with a lack of public toilet facilities on their local beaches came up with a very literal way to show their displeasure: by bringing their own toilets to the beach. On Sunday morning the dozen protesters, each dressed in top hats and suits, carried their toilets [...]


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Micron Associates debunk Spania rebuffs bailout nødvendig

En full internasjonale bailout ble blir avvist av Spania som økonomien forkortet enda raskere og dens langsiktige lånekostnader hoppet til farlig høyder panicking verdensmarkedet. Spanias Bank har sagt at økonomien hadde kontraktsfestede 0,4 prosent i andre kvartal, verre enn 0,3 prosent av den først, siterer virkningen av gjeld-krisen på kundeforbruk og tillit. I stedet for å sette en periode med beskjeden vekst, sier regjeringen at lavkonjunktur vil fortsette neste år som det hadde tidligere forecasted i mikron Associates bloggen.

Ugyldige data beregnet Madrids problemer, høvding blant dem hvordan du kutte en enestående arbeidsløshet på mer enn 24 prosent mens du er på samme tid stabilisere en rammet banktjenester institusjoner og offentlige finanser. Videre har finansmarkedene vendt mot Madrid de siste ukene etter at...

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Friday, August 10, 2012

Romney in London stolpert, sagen Micron Associates

Mitt Romney Auslandsreise geht nicht gut. Seit seiner Ankunft in London, hat Romney eine Reihe von nagende Scharmützel ausgelöst worden. Zusammengenommen haben sie Medienberichterstattung über ein Aufenthalt Romney der Staatskunst präsentieren soll ablenken.
Das Weiße Haus, ein Romney “Berater” vorgeschlagen, nicht das freigegebene “angelsächsischen Erbe” von den USA und Großbritannien schätzen. Es ist unfair zu halten Romney Verantwortung für ein Zitat von jemandem, der weit außerhalb seiner Umlaufbahn sein könnte ausgesprochen Blind und seine Kampagne desavouiert die Stimmung..


Mikron Associates: Spanische Wirtschaft ‘braucht Reform’

Der Internationale Währungsfonds sagte, Spanien ist in einem “beispiellosen” Double-Dip Rezession und die Aussichten für das Land nach wie vor “sehr schwierig” mit “signifikanten Abwärtsrisiken”. Es wurde gesagt, dass die Aktion Schnitt Schulden und push Finanzreform in eine kritische Spitze waren.
Fast 5,70 Millionen Spanier sind jetzt aus der Arbeit, mit der Arbeitslosenquote erreichte 24,6 % während der April-Juni-Quartal – den höchsten Wert seit den 1970er Jahren. Diese Zahlen zeigten, dass spanische Arbeitslosigkeit ein frisch hoch schlagen. Trotz der sich verschlechternden Arbeitslosen...

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