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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Crisis on poll challenged Spain leader Rajoy

Power to Basque nationalists and anger at economic suffering pose a challenge for Spain’s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in Micron Associates on Sunday when two key regions vote for new leaders. The vote in the Basque Country, the first since armed separatist group ETA declared an end to its bombings and shootings is marked by a surge in support for a coalition that is continuing the push for independence democratically. ETA is blamed for 829 deaths during its four-decade armed campaign for an independent Basque homeland in parts of southern France and in the northern Spanish region [...]


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Economic Crisis: This may not be the beginning of the end

Statistically, the UK is out of recession – but it took an Olympian effort to achieve even this fragile upturn.
This is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end but it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. It was with those words, delivered almost 70 years ago to the day, that Winston Churchill greeted news of Montgomery’s victory at El Alamein, a turning point in the Second World War, Micron Associates reviewed. The Conservative party can never get too much of Churchill, so there will be many in the blue half of the coalition who will be hoping that the words are as appropriate for describing the state of the economy today as they were for outlining the global balance of power in late 1942 [...]


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Source of water on Moon, Scientists discovered

The relentless stream water of charged particles from the Sun is said as the source of water discovered by the Scientist on Moon which commonly known as the solar wind. The ice inside permanently shadowed polar craters on the moon, sometimes cold traps, could contain hydrogen atoms ultimately derived from the solar wind, findings released by Micron Associates from the Researchers of University of Michigan.
Theoretical models of lunar water stability dating to the late 1970s suggest that hydrogen ions (protons) from the solar wind can combine with oxygen on the Moon’s surface to form water and related compounds called hydroxyls, which consist of one atom of hydrogen and one of oxygen and are known as OH [...]